8.10.2023 – 10.3.2024


Gabriele Schuller, known for her inspiring creative journey under the name KUNSTNOMADIN, invites you to see the beauty of nature and the wisdom it holds through her eyes. LEARNING WITH THE EARTH is a collection of artworks that explore the profound connection between nature and the human spirit. The exhibition is a tribute to the earth and an invitation to learn from her.
Vernissage: Saturday, 7.10, 19:30
Duration of the exhibition: 8.10.2023 – 10.3.2024
Place: Pfarrzentrum Goldwörth (Hauptstraße 1, 4102 Goldwörth)
Opening hours:
Mon: 18:00 – 19:30
Wed: 18:00 – 19:00
Thu: 15:30 – 17:30
Sun: 09:00 – 11:30
It is also possible to arrange individual vitis to the exhibition.
In order to do so please contact:
0043 699 12643188

LEARNING WITH THE EARTH, Goldwörth, 2023. Photo: Hans Kogler
Roter Faden, LEARNING WITH THE EARTH, Goldwörth, 2023. Photo: Hans Kogler
4 Elemente, LEARNING WITH THE EARTH, Goldwörth, 2023. Photo: Hans Kogler
Himmelsleiter, LEARNING WITH THE EARTH, Goldwörth, 2023. Photo: Hans Kogler
Lebensfäden, LEARNING WITH THE EARTH, Goldwörth, 2023. Photo: Hans Kogler
Fadenspiele, LEARNING WITH THE EARTH, Goldwörth, 2023. Photo: Hans Kogler
Fadenspiele, LEARNING WITH THE EARTH, Goldwörth, 2023. Photo: Hans Kogler
Fadenspiele, LEARNING WITH THE EARTH, Goldwörth, 2023. Photo: Hans Kogler
LEARNING WITH THE EARTH, Goldwörth, 2023. Photo: Hans Kogler
Breathing With The Trees, LEARNING WITH THE EARTH, Goldwörth, 2023. Photo: Hans Kogler
Breathing With The Trees, LEARNING WITH THE EARTH, Goldwörth, 2023. Photo: Hans Kogler
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